Located in Livonia, Schoolcraft is one of Wayne County's highest performing community colleges with an intake of 600 students per year in healthcare professions alone. Healthcare programs fall across a range of settings, from lab work to surgery, with Medical Assistants now running in its 40th year.
Sherry Bishop is the new Program Director for Medical Assisting at Schoolcroft, which delivers the following credentials (some can be completed within 12 months):
- Medical Assisting Certificate – 35 credits
- Associate in General Studies using Medical Assisting Certificate
- Medical Assisting: Phlebotomy Skills Certificate – 19 credits
- Associate in General Studies using Phlebotomy Skills Certificate
- Medical Assisting: Medical Biller/Receptionist Skills Certificate – 16 credits
- Associate in General Studies using Medical Biller/Receptionist Certificate
Pay Prospects
Certificates and degrees provide strong employment prospects in the region. According to Lightcast, the Median Salary in South-East Michigan is for a Medical Assistant is $37,576. New workers start around $29,467 and highly experienced workers can earn up to $46,893.
Apprenticeship positions are available - earn and learn.
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