Loake Shoemakers, a renowned British footwear brand, has a rich history dating back to 1880. Established by three Loake brothers in Kettering, Northamptonshire, the company has maintained a commitment to producing high-quality, handmade shoes for over a century. Initially crafting shoes for the local community, the brand gained prominence for its exceptional craftsmanship and dedication to traditional shoemaking techniques.
Through the years, Loake has expanded its operations now run by Andrew Cory, a fifth generation Locke. Inventory now stretches from casual to the legacy smart shoes, keeping the meticulous craftsmanship in place with production in Kettering. The factory still carries out shoe manufacturing with 200 steps, completed by-hand and distributed among the 135 people who work at the factory.
With a reputation built on quality and tradition, Loake has become a symbol of British shoemaking excellence. The brand's commitment to heritage, combined with contemporary designs, has allowed Loake to maintain a strong presence with gradual growth. 3,500-4,000 pairs of shoes is produced per week in Kettering, with another 1,500 produced at a factory in India.
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